The National Gallery of Australia >
The Sliding Social Scale in a Anglo Global Schema
Mercurial Transformation - Regenerate
State Library of Queensland >
The Sliding Social Scale in a Anglo Global Schema - On a Roll Folio Box
Griffith University Artworks
Relics of the Sacred feminine - Trinity - Diverse voices Exhibition >
Lines of Fate - Parallels Crossing Folio Box
James Cook University, Townsville
The Sliding Social Scale in a Anglo Global Schema - On a Roll Folio Box
Mackay Bookspace, Regional Gallery, Mackay
Geelong Gallery, Geelong, Victoria
Some Hero - Feet of Clay (Hercules slaying Avarice, Lichas, Discord and Vice (after Ugo da Carpi 1516, Canova 1790 , Jegher after Rubens 1630, Durer and Reni ) 4 Panels 100 x 70 cm
Linocut on Magnani Incisioni 310gsm Image: 100 x 280 cm.
Purchased with funds generously provided by Dr Colin Holden in honour of former Director, Geoffrey Edwards’ service to the Geelong Gallery, 2016
Royal Brisbane Women's Hospital, Ned Hanlon Building, Brisbane
Red Net - Red, The Power of Print 2006 Linocut hand- coloured
Mental Health Centre, RBWH, Brisbane
Red Net - Red, The Power of Print 2006 Linocut hand- coloured
HKGAF Hong Kong Graphic Art Fiesta, Hong Kong
Nokkvi Sails the Moon... Day and Night Series
Lambda @ Omega - Southern Circles
Magnani Papers Australia, Melbourne
Lines of Fate - Parallels Crossing Folio box
Some Hero- It's just a beat up -Taboo folio Box
Swanbourne - Nedlands Surf Life Saving Club Western Australia
Mum and Val, The Reel Girls- 1952 etching 2006- Reel Heroes
Mum, Swanbourne Nedlands W.A. 1952 Linocut 2006 = Reel Heroes
Impress Printmaker's Studio Brisbane
Pine Rivers Gallery, Brisbane
The Sliding Social Scale in a Anglo Global Schema - On a Roll Folio Box
Private Collections in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Canada, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Ireland, Korea, Japan and the Netherlands.