Some Hero - Feet of Clay, Panel 1 - Hercules driving Avarice from the Temple of the Muse (after Ugo da Carpi 1516) Linocut on Magnani Incisioni 310gsm
100 x 70cm Panel 1 of 4 100 x 280cm
Some Hero - Feet of Clay, Panel 2 - Hercules throwing Lichas into the sea (after Canova 1790) Linocut on Magnani Incisioni 310gsm 100 x 70cm Panel 2 of 4 100 x 280cm
Some Hero - Feet of Clay - Hercules beating Discord (after Jeger after Rubens 1630) Linocut on Magnani Incisioni 310gsm 100 x 70 cm Panel 3 of 4 100 x 280cm
Some Hero - Feet of Clay - Hercules beating Vice (after Durer and Reni ) Linocut on Magnani Incisioni 310gsm 100 x 70 cm Panel 4 of 4 100 x 280cm
Some Hero - It's a Beat Up Edition 40 for theTaboo Folio box Linocut on Magnani Incisioni 310gsm 28 x 28cm image 21 x 21 cm
Some Hero - Feet of Clay (Hercules slaying Avarice, Lichas, Discord and Vice (after Ugo da Carpi 1516, Canova 1790 , Jegher after Rubens 1630, Durer and Reni ) 4 Panels 100 x 70 cm Linocut on Magnani Incisioni 310gsm Image: 100 x 280 cm